Our mission is to help everyday people with investing in the real estate market indirectly, to make more profit from their savings, reducing the impact of inflation.
Who are we? We live in this country just like you, we work and we pay our taxes. Every month we enjoy the possibility to save some money, for housing, for our children, for trips…
But after a while, we came to see that our savings were simply melting rather than growing. At the same time, knowing the real estate market, we began to look for new solutions. CROWDER.PRO was created specifically for people like us.
Stop putting away your savings in your drawer – start investing now, it’s profitable like nothing else. Learn more…

Profit calculator on Crowder.pro
Crowdlending calculator with comparison to other forms of investment.
Investment page on Crowder.Pro
The landing page of an investment. It includes all importent information of the investment that you might be interested in.
Development since
July 2021